General balance: $10,900.36 +0.6%
Do your layouts deserve better than Lorem Ipsum.

INFORMATION: Top buttons area has 3 versions - 2 kinds of buttons and statistics. All of them could be viewed on Interface elements page

Amount Description Changes
980 returned visitors 0.32%
1545 new registrations 82.3%
457 new affiliates registrations 100%
9543 new visitors 4.99%
354 new pending comments 9.67%
A new server is on the board! We've just set up a new server. Our gurus ...
[ URGENT ] was closed by government But already everything was solved. It will ... 08feb
The goal was reached! We just passed 1000 sales! Congrats to all 07feb
Meat a new team member - Don Corleone Very dyplomatic and flexible sales manager 06feb
  • Date and time:
  • Subtotal amount:
  • Taxes
  • Jan 31, 2012 | 12:51
  • $5,514.36
  • - $1,158.54
Description Status Acts
Finish design in progress
Get HTML done pending
Connect jQuery stuff pending
Start beta testing done
File info Actions
Image1 description Feb 12, 2012. 12:28 Size: 215 KbFormat: .jpg
Image2 description Feb 12, 2012. 12:30 Size: 215 KbFormat: .jpg
Image3 description Feb 11, 2012. 02:30 Size: 215 KbFormat: .jpg
Image4 description Feb 12, 2012. 12:28 Size: 215 KbFormat: .jpg
Image5 description Feb 12, 2012. 12:28 Size: 215 KbFormat: .jpg
Rendering engine Browser Platform(s) Engine version
Trident Internet Explorer 4.0 Win 95+ 4
Trident Internet Explorer 5.0 Win 95+ 5
Trident Internet Explorer 5.5 Win 95+ 5.5
Trident Internet Explorer 6 Win 98+ 6
Trident Internet Explorer 7 Win XP SP2+ 7
Trident AOL browser (AOL desktop) Win XP 6
Gecko Firefox 1.0 Win 98+ / OSX.2+ 1.7
Gecko Firefox 1.5 Win 98+ / OSX.2+ 1.8
Gecko Firefox 2.0 Win 98+ / OSX.2+ 1.8
Gecko Firefox 3.0 Win 2k+ / OSX.3+ 1.9
Gecko Camino 1.0 OSX.2+ 1.8
Gecko Camino 1.5 OSX.3+ 1.8
Gecko Netscape 7.2 Win 95+ / Mac OS 8.6-9.2 1.7
Gecko Netscape Browser 8 Win 98SE+ 1.7
Gecko Netscape Navigator 9 Win 98+ / OSX.2+ 1.8
Gecko Mozilla 1.0 Win 95+ / OSX.1+ 1
Gecko Mozilla 1.1 Win 95+ / OSX.1+ 1.1
Gecko Mozilla 1.2 Win 95+ / OSX.1+ 1.2
Gecko Mozilla 1.3 Win 95+ / OSX.1+ 1.3
Gecko Mozilla 1.4 Win 95+ / OSX.1+ 1.4
Gecko Mozilla 1.5 Win 95+ / OSX.1+ 1.5
Gecko Mozilla 1.6 Win 95+ / OSX.1+ 1.6
Gecko Mozilla 1.7 Win 98+ / OSX.1+ 1.7
Gecko Mozilla 1.8 Win 98+ / OSX.1+ 1.8
Gecko Seamonkey 1.1 Win 98+ / OSX.2+ 1.8
Gecko Epiphany 2.20 Gnome 1.8
Webkit Safari 1.2 OSX.3 125.5
Webkit Safari 1.3 OSX.3 312.8
Webkit Safari 2.0 OSX.4+ 419.3
Webkit Safari 3.0 OSX.4+ 522.1
Webkit OmniWeb 5.5 OSX.4+ 420
Webkit iPod Touch / iPhone iPod 420.1
Webkit S60 S60 413
Presto Opera 7.0 Win 95+ / OSX.1+ -
Presto Opera 7.5 Win 95+ / OSX.2+ -
Presto Opera 8.0 Win 95+ / OSX.2+ -
Presto Opera 8.5 Win 95+ / OSX.2+ -
Presto Opera 9.0 Win 95+ / OSX.3+ -
Presto Opera 9.2 Win 88+ / OSX.3+ -
Presto Opera 9.5 Win 88+ / OSX.3+ -
Presto Opera for Wii Wii -
Presto Nokia N800 N800 -
Presto Nintendo DS browser Nintendo DS 8.5
KHTML Konqureror 3.1 KDE 3.1 3.1
KHTML Konqureror 3.3 KDE 3.3 3.3
KHTML Konqureror 3.5 KDE 3.5 3.5
Tasman Internet Explorer 4.5 Mac OS 8-9 -
Tasman Internet Explorer 5.1 Mac OS 7.6-9 1
Tasman Internet Explorer 5.2 Mac OS 8-X 1
Misc NetFront 3.1 Embedded devices -
Misc NetFront 3.4 Embedded devices -
Misc Dillo 0.8 Embedded devices -
Misc Links Text only -
Misc Lynx Text only -
Misc IE Mobile Windows Mobile 6 -
Misc PSP browser PSP -
Other browsers All others - -